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  • 27-28.02

    LIONS – Module I

  • 21-22.03


  • 28-30.03

    Mirabella Orthodontic Program – Module III

  • 4-5.04


  • 08.05


  • 09.05


  • 13-14.06

    LIONS – Module II

  • 4-6.07

    Mirabella Orthodontic Program – Module IV

  • 17-19.07

    Mirabella Orthodontic Program – Module I

  • 4-6.09

    Mirabella Orthodontic Program – Module V

  • 12-14.09

    Mirabella Orthodontic Program – Module II

  • 19-20.09


  • 3-4.10


  • 10-11.10

    LIONS – Module III

  • 1-2.11

    MARPE and clinical troublehooting

  • 7-8.11

    LIONS – Module III



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Mirabella Orthodontic Program 2024-2025

Availability: Sold Out


Quick Overview

Join the 2024-2025 Session!




Davide Mirabella was born in Catania (Italy) on July 10, 1966.
Dental Degree (DDS) 1989 University of Catania.
Certificate in Orthodontics 1993 University of Washington (Seattle, Wa).
Master of Science in Dentistry 1993 University of Washington (Seattle, Wa).
From 1994 practice limited to orthodontics in Catania.
1-year Postdoctoral Program in Lingual Orthodontics 1995 University of Cagliari.
Specialist in Orthodontics (Italian Degree) 2000 University of Cagliari.
Adjunct Professor 2003 Dept of Orthodontics University of Ferrara.
President 2015 Italian Academy of Orthodontics.
Active Member of SIDO, International Member of AAO and Founder Member of SIAD (Italian Straight Wire Society) and Accademia Italiana di Ortodonzia.
Former Active Member Angle Society of Europe.
Practice limited to orthodontics.
Speaker at national and international orthodontic meetings.
Author of publications in national and international orthodontic journals.

Dr. Gabriella GIUNTA

Dr. Gabriella GIUNTA

Gabriella Giunta graduated with honors in Medicine and Surgery in 1995, and with honors in Dentistry in 2003 at the University of Naples Federico II. Specialist in Orthodontics at the University of Ferrara in 2008. Master Degree in TMD at the University of Naples Federico II in 2012. Instructor and lecturer at the Annual Course held by Dr. Mirabella since 2012. Adjunct Professor at the Department of Orthodontics University of Catania. Practice limited to orthodontics and cranio-mandibular disorders.



He graduated Dentistry in 2004 at the University of Milan with a thesis "self-ligating equipment in the context of orthognatic treatment". Specialized in "Clinical Orthodontics" at the University of Milan in the academic year 2004/2005. Specialized in "Straight Wire and Self Ligating Methodologies for orthodontic purposes" at the University of Milan in the academic year 2005/2006. Specialized in Orthodontics with honors in 2007 at the University of Milan with a thesis "Comparative Analysis of three methods for the identification of the orthopedic - functional treatment timing". Lecturer for the Specialization Courses in Orthodontics at the University of Milan since 2005. Adjunct Professor in "MBT Technique" at the School of Specialization in Orthodontics at the University of Milan since 2009. SIDO partner since 2007. Tutor and lecturer at the theoretical and practical annual course "The MBT System: the foundation and philosophy of MBT, the evolution towards low - friction devices" held by Dr. D. Mirabella in Milan since 2009.



After earning a the degree in dentistry at the University of Palermo in 2004, Dr Lombardo specialized in orthodontics at the University of Ferrara in 2007. He continued there as a research fellow until 2011 and has been an adjunct professor since 2010. Since 2012, he has been a researcher at Ferrara University and member of the European Board of Orthodontics. He is the author of journal publications and a speaker at national and international conferences. He served as president of the Italian Association of Specialists in Orthodontics. He is currently president of the Italian Association of Lingual Orthodontics and the elected President of the Italian Academy of Orthodontics 2018. He is an active member of SIDO, AIDOR, WSLO. Dean of Ferrara University and Head of the Department of Orthodontics

Module I - 18-20 July 2024

SWM Introduction

Straight Wire Technique
✓ Historical review
✓ Andrews Six Keys to Normal Occlusion
✓ Pre-adjusted appliances: Tip, Torque, In-Out, Distal Offset
From SWA to SWM
✓ Bracket Prescription: The advantages of MBT®/SWM
✓ Proposed changes
✓ Versatility of SWM prescription
Bracket Placement
✓ SWM Positioning Chart
✓ Individualized Positioning Chart
✓ Clinical tips
✓ Bonding and banding procedures
✓ Bonding and banding adhesive
Treatment Mechanics
✓ Light forces and Anchorage Control
✓ Lacebacks, Bendbacks, Tiebacks
✓ Advantages and clinical applications
SWM: the four stages of orthodontic treatment
✓ Aligning: Check-List
✓ Leveling: Check-List
✓ Working: Check-List
✓ Finishing: Check-List
Arch Wires
✓ What alloys should we use?
✓ Arch Form and Coordination
✓ Suggested arch wire sequence
✓ Una-Form: a newly proposed arch form based on resear
✓ Bracket placement
✓ Lacebacks, Bendbacks, Tiebacks
✓ Archwire management

Module II - 13-15 September 2024

From Diagnosis to Treatment Plan

First Visit
✓ Anamnesis
✓ Diagnostic records
✓ X-Rays
✓ Photos
Aesthetic Analysis
✓ Arnett and Sarver principles
✓ Frontal-view Analysis
✓ Profile Analysis
Model Analysis
✓ Tooth size discrepancy (Bolton Index)
✓ Dento-alveolar discrepancy
✓ Dento-alveolar disarmonies
Cephalometric Analysis
✓ McLaughlin Cephalometric Analysis
✓ NHP and Cephalometrics
✓ Soft-Tissue Cephalometric Analysis
Guided Treatment Planning (GTP)
✓ Treatment Objectives
✓ Diagnostic Dental VTO
✓ Problem List with Treatment Alternatives
✓ Therapeutic Dental VTO
✓ Photos
✓ Model Analysis
✓ Cephalo

Module III 28-30 March 2025

Treatment of Class I Malocclusions, Transverse Discrepancies and Deep-bite

Treatment of Angle Class I
✓ Extraction or dental expansion: an overview
✓ Space closure using Sliding Mechanics: biomechanics and problem solving
✓ Mixed dentition cases: how to manage severely crowded patients
✓ Presentation of Clinical Cases
Transverse Discrepancies
✓ Dental and skeletal components of transverse malocclusions
✓ Dental and skeletal midlines: diagnostic role
✓ The importance of the Curve of Wilson
✓ Maxillary Expansion: dental, skeletal, surgical
✓ Timing of maxillary expansion
✓ Dental and Skeletal Effects
✓ Presentation of Clinical Cases
Treatment of Vertical Discrepancies (Deep-bite)
✓ Skeletal and dental deep-bite
✓ Bite openings curves
✓ Bite planes and bite ramps
✓ Vertical growth modifications
✓ Presentation of Clinical Cases
Finishing Hands-on
✓ First Order Bends
✓ Second Order Bends
✓ Third Order Bends

Module IV - 4-6 July 2025

Treatment of Class II Malocclusions, Impacted Canines and TADs

Treatment of Angle Class II
✓ Craniofacial Growth: an overview
✓ Early treatment: advantages and disadvantages
✓ Orthopaedic treatment and functional therapy
✓ Distalizing mechanics and Dento-alveolar treatments
✓ Extraction patterns: biomechanical strategies and aesthetics
✓ Presentation of Clinical Cases
Treatment of Impacted Canines
✓ Diagnosis with OPT, CT, CBCT
✓ Management of palatally and bucally impacted canines
✓ Insertion sites
✓ Surgical Procedure
✓ Clinical case discussion
Aligner Therapy
✓ Case selection
✓ Potential and limitations of aligners
✓ Treatment of growing patients
✓ Clinical management
✓ Treatment of complex cases by hybrid approach
✓ How to adjust a Klohen Bow
✓ Mouse-trap bend

Module V - 4-6 September 2025

Treatment of Open-bite, Class III Malocclusions and Interdisciplinary Approaches
Dr. Davide MIRABELLA - Dr. Gabriella GIUNTA

Treatment of Vertical Discrepancies (Open-bite)
✓ Skeletal and dental open-bite: differential diagnosis
✓ Vertical growth control
✓ Tongue crib: when to use it
✓ RPE with Bite-Block
✓ Surgical options
✓ Presentation of Clinical Cases
Treatment of Angle Class III
✓ Craniofacial growth: an overview
✓ Early treatment: advantages and disadvantages
✓ Orthopaedic treatment: Protraction Mask
✓ Dento-alveolar treatment
✓ Extraction patterns: biomechanical strategies and aesthetics
✓ Surgical options
✓ Presentation of Clinical Cases
Concepts of Smile Aestetics
✓ Dental Proportions
✓ Gingival Architecture
✓ Smile’s aesthetic features
Dental Anomalies: number and shape
✓ Open or close the space?
✓ Timing of implant placement
✓ The optimal biomechanics to open the space for missing upper lateral incisors
✓ Veneering a tooth: what an orthodontist should know?
The Ortho-Restorative Patient
✓ The Biologic width
✓ Uneven gingival margin and crown length: Differential diagnosis
✓ Uneven gingival margin and crown length: Orthodontic treatment
✓ Uneven gingival margin and crown length: Interdisciplinary treatment
✓ Orthodontic treatment in the multiple missing posterior teeth patient
The Ortho-Perio Patient
✓ What an orthodontist should know
✓ Altered passive eruption
✓ Altered active eruption
✓ Orthodontic treatment in the compromised periodontal patient
✓ Piezosurgery: its application to enhance orthodontic treatment
Orthodontic Implant Site Development
✓ What an orthodontist should know on bone biology
✓ Surgical approach Vs OISD: advantages and disadvantages
✓ Orthodontic Implant Site Development in the 3 planes of space: horizontal, vertical and linguo-labial orthodontic movement
✓ OISD: a systemized clinical protocol
The Gummy Smile
✓ What is a Gummy Smile?
✓ What is the “ideal”?
✓ Diagnostic Criteria
✓ Orthodontic Clinical Strategies
✓ Perio-Restorative Clinical Strategies
✓ Orthognathic-Surgical Clinical Strategies